Husky Adventure in Lapland

HejHej! I'm Laura :)

You love dogs, the nature and the cold? Then a gap year or some weeks off on the White Horizon Farm is the perfect place for you. I am going to be here for 9 months and have been here for one week now. My first days were full of working with the dogs, learning their names and a lot of cuddles. Also leaning how much food and what food each dog is getting in the morning and in the evening. Next to working with the dogs is also helping where help is need. For example cleaning the house or cooking food. We eat all the meals together and on long evenings we play games like Catan. In the free time we walk the house dogs, or we go and visit the neighbours to play Yatzi.


I was able to see how the dogs get trained for winter and it is so cool to watch how excited every dog is and how every dog is different in his or her behaviour. Some are super excited and can not stop jumping or pulling until they start and others are a bit less crazy, but you can see how much fun they all have. When they come back, the dogs get cuddles and even more cuddles. Also, one of the beautiful things is to watch Konstantin and Johanna interact with the dogs. They have a connection with the dogs that is incredible. Furthermore, it is such a great thing to meet all the dogs and to learn who behaves how. Moreover, you learn how to interact with every dog individually.

On other days you help outside cleaning up around the houses. Making fire is also an important part of the day. For some, me for example, a more difficult task because it is not that easy to make a fire in an oven.

I drove to the farm by myself. Over 2000 km in my car and it was quite a ride but for the experience it was worth it. The landscape is wonderful, and you can see a lot of different landscapes, lakes and forest. Right below the house is a lake in which we already swam in. In the winter you can go ice fishing and ice swimming, what I am going to do for sure. We also walked to a hill where we could see the lake, which is just beautiful.

Not only the landscape is beautiful, but also the animals living here are pretty cool. On my road trip to the farm I saw a rentier and the neighbour showed us a fox which was just meters away from us. On one of the training trips I saw a horde of rentiers.


I am looking forward to spend the next months with the dogs and the team here. Moreover, I am looking forward to learn a lot of new things, having fun and meeting new people. Since the first snow fell down I am excited for walks in the snow and playing with the dogs.


And then winter came over night! 
Here is some extra pictures of me in the white winter-wonderland!