My tips; Book some extra weeks!

My name is Hanno and I am living at White Horizon for three weeks. The just ending week was filled with more adventures than a normal month at home.


We started into the week with an overnight outside on the meadow in front of the houses. It wasn’t cold but really funny, although half of us (including me) fell asleep while watching a movie...this shows how cozy the winter sleeping bags were. The day after, me and two others joined the neighbour Assar to hunt mooses in the forest. Although the hunting dogs where nearby us, we couldn‘t see any moose this time. But it was quite special, sitting down for hours between thousands of trees.


In this week, we also had the opportunity to drive with Johanna and Konstantin to Arjeplog to buy souvenirs or special food we want to have.

One evening, we visited Assar and his wife Inga-Lill and drank coffee or tea with Kanelbullar (cinnamon rolls).


Another evening, Johanna and Konstantin surprised us with an evening trip wearing winter overalls. We drove across the forest and watched an incredible sunset from the pickup. On a high plateau, we enjoyed warm pear syrup and apple cake, made a fire and listened to music. It was absolutely relaxing as well as exciting.


I am currently the only boy volunteer at White Horizon which doesn‘t imply anything because everyone has to work on the same stuff and has to do the house keeping once a week, including cooking, baking, cleaning...but I can calm you down; feedback at White Horizon is always fair and humorous.

I want to close up with recommending you to stay some weeks longer than you actually plan to stay. Time seems to run faster in Sweden.

Hej då